Friday, March 2, 2012

Americanism Essay Contest

In school we had to write this essay, thought it would be interresting for my readers because it is about being multicultural!

For me being a foreign exchange student, I was convinced that this essay would be extremely hard to write, because what did I know about Patriotism in America? But I sad down and thought about it, and suddenly it hit me: “I might not know anything about American Patriotism, but I have seen it from the outside, experienced it like a culture shock on my own body, and I also know a lot about Patriotism to my own country Denmark and I can show that in my new community here in America.

For me Patriotism means something totally different than it does to an American. In my country our flag is celebrated in a different way than Stars and Stripes are here. But never have I ever seen something so beautiful, as at the first Volleyball game I went to, and there everybody stood with their hand on their hearts and turned toward the flag and the Star Spangled Banner got played. I felled so touched in that moment, that everybody in that way honored his or her country. In that moment nothing else mattered. Who bullied you in recess yesterday or who discriminated you because of your skin color? Nothing mattered. Everybody got together and showed their pride to their loved country, to their soldiers fighting for their nation and for all the loved ones they have. They get together in this short moment and celebrate what they got, how lucky they are for being here, and that they are here together. And that is the most beautiful thing, and it is a thing I will always dream being a part of, but truly never will.

Everyday I get questions about my home country, and I answer them with pride. For me that is Patriotism, showing pride of where I come from, and pride of where I am. I am now unique, in the way that I have to cultures in me. I can show my patriotism and my love to America to all my family and friends where I am from, and here I can show my Patriotism to Denmark, and show people what that means to me. I can show how I, like so many other people can love more then one country, have more then one home and show Patriotism to more then one nationality.
It is standing with to flags in my hands, and a smile on my face. One of them is Stars and Stripes, so beautiful in blue, red and white; the other is my so much more familiar “Dannebrog” red with a white cross.
That is what ties me together, those two cultures. It is my pride, and I am blessed that I got both, and that is how I can show Patriotism in my Community. I cannot only show one nationality pride, but two.

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