Monday, February 27, 2012

Friends will never be the same!

Knowing that you are going home in 3 months, it is hard to become really close with any body.. Since day one I have had in the back of my mind that I maybe wouldn't see my friends I made here again.. And therefor had a hard time getting close to people.. Knowing that I should enjoy my time her, but couldn't because I didn't wanna miss it to bad when ever I went home!! It is not like I don't have friends here, because I do, some closer than others.. Some of them is just a laugh once in a while in school, and other are keeping secrets type friends. All from freshmans to seniors!! But I know that no madder how much time I spend with them, it will never be like my friends back home in Denmark!!
There are people so sweet and so nice, people that I am scared of asking if they wanna hang out, because I am scared, that they will say no, because they feel that it wont madder to, because I soon will leave anyways.
There are kids at MPHS, that I dream about hanging out with, kids that I have talked to several times, and had fun with, in school or on trips, but afraid wont like me after school!!
Writing this I have a special couple of people in mind, people you could say I am in love with, not that I wanna date them, but because I so badly wants to see them more. I write this with the dream that they will read it!! and ask me if it is them!!

I have decided that I am not gonna do any sports in the Spring, so I have time to see people, and I hope that you are one of the people I am gonna see more to!! <3

XoXo Siri

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