Showing posts with label Emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotions. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2012

I just miss you, is there anything wrong with that?

If Grandma had a meaning
I'll tell you what it'd be
if you were close to yours
like mine was close to me

Grandmas are always there
to lend a shoulder and dry your tears
to comfort you in everything
and help conquer all your fears

Despite all the wrong you've done
and all the wrong you'll do
a grandma will always be there
and unconditionally will love you

A grandma will inspire you
to follow your every dream
she tells you “you won’t be alone"
because you're going to be a team

Grandmas are always busy
although their hearts are tame
they tell everyone about you
so everyone knows your name

Grandmas will keep everything
from when you're young till now
and when you dance on Broadway
for her you'll take a bow

Without grandmas we'd be lost
and our tears would not be dry
and we would not be encouraged
to spread our wings and fly

To my grandma I say "Thank you"
My heart will always be
with you every day, and I know
you're here with me.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Guys I am sorry

I am sorry that I have to do this in english, but if there is one thing my mind refuse to do it is talking danish, and I know my dad, my dear dad are getting crazybecause of it!!
I am sorry it has been so long since I blogged, but I have so much stuff in my head!
I am sorry that I promised to blog a lot and I didn't!
I am sorry that I haven't answered, haven't wrote back and that I have been absent from everything and everybody lately
I am sorry that I have to say I am sorry, and couldn't just have done it in the first way!
I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry!! But I am just confused, there is one part of me who look forward, abselutly can't wait till I am going back to Denmark, to my lovely life, my amazing parents, my caring family, and my awesome friends! But another part of me would give anything and everything to stay! To never see Denmark again! I know this sound horrible, but I am scared! I am scared of what to do, what to feel like, I wanted this (America) so bad, and now it is over or almost over! I have so many friends here, I have a family here, sports here, a school here, a community I LOVE!! But I love the one in Denmark too, but they are just so different, like night and day and that is what scares me!! I am scared that I have been forgotten, that I no longer have any friends, no family and nowhere to go! I know that is not true, I know I got the best friends in the world, a loving family and people who cares, but it just doesn't always feels like it! and in the same way I am scared that when I leave Mobridge-Pollock High, the Norder family, Mobridge, South Dakota, America, that I will be forgotten and that scares me bad, because I want to come back, because there are so many people and things I care about here!! I care about my friends, who did everything to make me feel welcome, I care about the school, who made my dream come true! I care about my hostfamily, both of them who took me in, made me feel at home! I care about a community so great, a community where I since day one have felt like I was welcome and even though it toke some time I feel like I belong.. And most of all I care about my self, and that is why I can't stop to wonder.. What now? What is the future gonna hold? I am scared!! It is actually a little silly because I went to America without knowing ANYTHING or ANYBODY! And I wasn't really scared, not that much though!! and now I am scared? of going home? To a place I lived for 15 years, a town I know better that my own backyard? Friends that have been there forever, since I was little, since I started school, since ya Forever! Friends I can trust, who I know cares and I am scared to go back to them? A family who was always there for me, a family who worked there buts of for me, who I know love me and who I love! A family who always supported me and looked out for me, and I scared to go back to them? But I am scared, I am scared! So scared I can't sleep at night, so scared that I can't think about anything else, and I don't know what to do!! It is like I am scared of all the safe, what dumb thing to be scared of!! But I am scared that the "safe" changed or how the "safe" is gonna change!!
I am sorry that I am scared!! - I am sorry I am no longer the same Siri!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Jeg savner..

Jeg savner min mor og far: Det at vide at der er nogen lige der med en hjælpende hånd, nogen der kender dig ud og ind..
Jeg savner mine brødre, nogen at fjolle med og nogle at have det sjovt med!!

Jeg savner det danske vejr!! det lyder måske rimeligt sindsygt, men der er intet så godt som en mørk efterårsaften hvor det regner udenfor, og som danske sommerer med skyer på himlen!! :) 

Jeg savner god gammeldags dansk mad som frikadeller og flæskesteg!! og selvfølge aller mest det mad min far laver :D

Jeg savner at have mit eget TV!! det er bare så meget nemmere når man selv bestemmer over fjernbetjeningen..

Jeg savner min cykel! at kunne komme rundt alene og ikke skulle have nogle til at kører dig!!

Jeg savner en god internet forbindelse!! Det er virkelig det værste ikke at kunne se en youtube video uden at stoppe den 10 gange for at loade! 

Jeg savner at bo tæt på min skole og venner, og gøre som jeg selv vil! 

Jeg savner at bo tæt på et shopping center, og kunne tage derhen når man bare keder sig!!

Jeg savner sushi!! det er åbenbart ikke kommet til Mobridge endnu!

Jeg savner min dyne og radiator!! det her tæppe løsning og en lille "varmer" går ingen godt!!

Jeg savner at må drikke, og blive set på som et barn!

Jeg savner lakrids!!

Jeg savner at kun have korte skoledage.. men de bliver jo også lange i gymnasiet, så hvad nytter det!!

Jeg savner mine bedsteforældre, (især dig mormor) mine fætre, kusiner, onkler, tanter og resten af min familie!

Jeg savner at min mor ordner vasketøj!!

Jeg savner at sommerne i Frankrig!

Jeg savner mine danske venner!!!

Jeg savner vores familie venner, og alle mine bekendte!!

Jeg savner at spise lagkage til fødselsdag og se dannebrog flagre i vinden!!!


XoXo Siri

p.s Mormor jeg savner dig, men du er her med mig! Hænger rundt om min hals, i Dagmar-korset du gav mig, der har været dit! Du er med mig på billedet på min væg over min seng, billedet i mit skab på skolen og i mit hjerte!! Jeg savner dig oh så meget, men du skal vide jeg har det godt! :) Jeg elsker dig K.H din datterdatter!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I don't know how to feel about life!!

I feel like crying, but my eyes stays dry! 
I feel like am I supposed to sad, but I am not!
Cheerleading is officially done! Even though we are still gonna practice we don't have any more games to cheer for!, which is really sad, and I feel like I should be crying my heart out because that chapter in my life is already over, but I might just haven't realized it yet!! 
I am so extremely excited about my family coming to Mobridge in under 3 months! But it is with mix feelings because it feels like Mobridge is where I belong and I don't want to leave!! But I still wanna go back and be with my friends in Denmark so bad!! I am counting down to the days that I get to hug my parents and brothers again, but still praying that the day that a have to leave Mobridge are never, ever gonna come!! 
Everyday I am here somebody talks about which sports they are gonna do next year, and how much fun it is gonna be!! And everytime I feel bad about my self, because I am not gonna be here next year! But I want to soooo bad!! I love my friends here, I love life here even though it is totally opposite than Frederiksberg and Copenhagen!!
I am sad! And overly happy about all my great friends and host family!! I am Excited and scared!! I have every emotion in me right now!! and I don't know what to do with my self I just wanna protest and go back in time to when school started and I still had 10 months left!!!

Wish I could combine Mobridge and Frederiksberg!! Denmark and US! Copenhagen and South Dakota!! The Norder Family and the Fugmann/Mortensen family! My american friends and my danish friends!! Johannesskolen/Falkonergården and Mobridge-Pollock High School!! My teachers here and there!!! My home and room on Marielystvej and here on Sd Highway 1804!!!!!! 

So dear God is there anyway we can combine it all?? Please?? 

Can I switch two Brothers out with 6? Can I switch 1 mother out with 2? Can I switch 1 father out 2? Can I switch being sisterless out with 3? Can I switch 1 family out with 2?
I know I already have but I don't wanna leave one to have the other!!! 

I am so lucky that I not only have 1 dad, I have to!! But I want 2 at the same time, not 1 at a time!!

my 2nd dad!!

I am so lucky that I not only have 1 mom, I have to!! But I want 2 at the same time, not 1 at a time!!

my 2nd mom <3

Before 2011 I only had one little brother and he is the best!! I love u Johan <3

But know I don't only got 1, or 2!! Kreg <3

I got 3!! Josh <3

I don't only have 1 older brother,!! Andreas <3

I got 2,! Ashton <3 + a new "sister-in-law" Heather :D

No 3 I got!! Brent <3 + a new "sister-in-law" Blythe :D

+ 3 wonderful new sisters!! Rina, Nicole and Amanda! and to "fake" nieces! Atlee and Jasmin <3
Two families in one, wish I never had to leave, and that my danish family could live here <3

XoXo Siri

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mormor Jeg savner dig..

Hvorfor har jeg været så forvirret og glemt alt på det seneste? Her kommer svaret:
Som  nogen af jer måske ved så døde min mormor i slutningen af Januar, og jeg tog hjem til danmark i en lille uges tid så jeg kunne være der til hendes bisættelse.. Al forvirrelsen kommer nok fra alle de følelser jeg har været igennem og måske også lidt mit enorme jetlag.. Det var virkeligt rart at se min familie igen, selvom omstændighederne var meget kedelige. Det var dejligt at vi kunne være der for hindanden og jeg kunne værer der med dem, igennem denne svære tid. De var og er svært, og det var meget mærkeligt at jeg sådan kun var på på besøg.
Jeg vil detikere dette indlæg til min elskede mormor:

Kære elskede mormor,
Jeg savner dig, og elsker dig.. Men jeg ved at du har det bedre der hvor du er nu. Du har længe kæmpet og det går mig super stolt over..

Du spurgte mig engang da jeg var i børnehaven, en dag jeg var med dig på arbejde, hvad jeg ville være når jeg blev stor, dengang svarede jeg sikkert noget fjollet, hvad husker jeg ikke. Men nu hvor jeg næsten er blevet voksen ved jeg det. Jeg vil være præcist lige som dig. 

Vi har så mange minder sammen.. Vi har gjordt så meget sammen!! Og du er den bedste nogen sinde.. Aldrig har aldrig mødt nogen person med sådan et stort hjerte som dig.

Du var der altid for os alle sammen, var familiens samlingspunkt. Du var den bedre mormor nogen kunde ønske dig, og det er det der gør der så speciel. 3 stolte børn og 8 stolte børnebørn, der inderligt elsker dig. Og det gør morfar også :)
Og resten af familien med..

Jeg tog jo hjem for at være der for de andre, og kunne være der der til din bisættelse. Morfar sagde igen og igen at han ville ønske at du havde vidst at jeg havde taget hjem. Men det ved jeg du ved!
Din bisættelse var det smukkeste jeg nogensinde havde set. Morfar holdt den smukkeste tale og Asser var præsten, du ved Sofie's mand. Det lyder måske mærkeligt, men du ville have elsket det. Altså ikke på grund af omstændighederne, men fordi at hele familien var samlet.. Endnu en gang var du samlings punktet om familien, men det var bestemt ikke den sidste..

Du min kære elskede mormor... Jeg elsker dig, og savner dig.. Du min engel, jeg ved vi skal ses en dag igen.. Men jeg ved at du vil ha mig til at leve videre, så det må jeg jo gøre..
Jeg elsker og tænker på dig hver minut

Kærligste hilsner din datterdatter Siri..

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dette indlæg vil blive på Engelsk!

A thank you to Mie Andersen, for giving me this idea! Thank You Mie!

2011 is almost over; it is kind of hard to believe! It just went by so fast, maybe even too fast! 2011 was a year filled with happy memories and big changes! It all started last New Years Eve, when I got to jump in the New Year with two of my best friends Natasha Christensen and Emma Olsen, how sweet! Already in the 5th week of the year I got to go to Norway with all the 9th Graders, 10th Graders and the kids in 1.G! We went skiing in Trysil!! We had so much fun, and it was so great to get to ski with all my friends, and especially get to ski REALLY fast with my really good friend Sofie Nielsen! We had so much fun, going down those hills!! Just 2 weeks later I got to go skiing in Austria with my Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Family Friends!! It was so much fun, spending all the family time, even though I had to miss out on a couple of days of skiing because of my dumb injury in my knee!!
A week later, it was my birthday, which I got to spend with all my family around me and with my 3 sweet girls Sofie, Natasha and Emma!! Months past before anything else exciting happened!! In April I had my second surgery on my knee, no fun at all and it hurt a lot, but I am glad they fixed it, and that it almost doesn’t coarse me any trouble anymore! How nice, after 8 months on and of crutches!  Then the time came for last day of school at Johannesskolen!! We got to dress up, through caramels and spray water on the kids, and make fun of our teachers!! And then at night all the graduators (9th and 10th graders) had a big party!! We had so much fun, defiantly a day I will never forget!! Then the day for the actually graduation came, it was so much fun, and then partying afterwards in my backyard, and then sleeping in a tent on blow-up-madras’s, I don’t know how well it went for all us big city-girls, but we had fun at least!
It was really difficult to say good-bye to Johannesskolen, my life for 3 years, the place where I had the most of my friends, and where I had got so many happy memories and some not so happy ones!

But Summer Vacation was here, FINALLY!! My vacation wasn’t like any other summer break I had ever had before! I could get a call everyday know, saying they found a hostfamily for me, and that I was leaving that same week! Meaning I couldn’t really leave the country, had to be able to get home fast! That meant I didn’t get to go to France, like I had done almost every year in the past! But instead I worked in the family business earning pocket money for my year in the States, and hang out with friends! That was only how I spend the first couple of weeks! Later on the time came to say good-bye to Sofie, who was going to New Zealand, to make her dream come true, she was gonna be an exchange student like me, just on the other side of the world!! And not leaving my hometown all summer was defiantly not an option for an adventures girl like me, who loves to travel! So we went to Jutland, a part of Denmark, just to see a little more of my home country before leaving it for a year! And so I had something to tell people about!! So of we went to famous churches, to see thee famous “Jellinge Stenene”, stones from the time of the Vikings, and to visit friends and to go to LEGOLAND! The famous Danish company’s amusement park! It was like I was a kid again!! After a couple of weeks I returned home, and just a couple of days later we went to my grandparents vacation home by the beach! Here it happened I got the call, I WAS GOING TO SOUTH DAKOTA!! How exciting! We went back home again with out knowing more and life continued! Everyday I waited for that call telling me where and with who I was gonna stay! One Monday I called my organization in frustration of not hearing further than South Dakota, for a week! And they told me they just got the information the same day! The Weintjes Family, in Mobridge! Just 2 days later I was packing everything, ready to leave the next day! That Wednesday night, the night before I left, all my family and some of my friends came over for a “good-bye party” It was really nice to see everybody for a last time before leaving for 11 months!
The next day, way early in the morning my adventure started, finally my dream came true! I met up with other STS-students in the airport. With me were my Parents, Brother, and Grandparents for a final good-bye! I got to eat my last Danish pastry and Drink a Faxe Kondi in the airport while saying good-bye, just getting my last look, smell and taste of Denmark for 2011! I said good-bye, got checked in, and of I went! Next Stop NEW YORK CITY! Taking of in that plane was the weirdest thing ever, getting my last look of the only home I had ever known and starting a new life in a new and foreign country! That I had never been in!!!

After many hours of flying we was finally in New York! Now the program said 1 week in NYC, with all the STS-students! This was an incredible, on forgettable week! We saw the statue of Liberty, were up in Empire State Building, visited Times Square and shopped like you can only do it in NYC!! This week I made really good friends with three other students from Denmark, Cathrine who I knew from home (I went to school with her), and Nicholas and Signe I had never met before! We had so much fun that week!

Then the time came to fly to South Dakota! New York – Minnesota – South Dakota!! A long but exciting trip, I knew my hostfamily was waiting for me in the Airport, and I couldn’t wait to meet them! I arrived, and her was my new American Family: Jack, Missy, Emily, Wyatt and Hunter, and Joona the other exchange student from Finland!
I moved into their home, and I had a loooot of fun here! We one weekend went to Rapid City, to see Mount Rushmore, that was really cool!
And then time came to start school at Mobridge-Pollock High School! I already played Volleyball at this point so I knew some of the girls from the school!
I maid some good friends, and are enjoying my time soo much! Cayla Hintz, a freshmen I played Volleyball with, became my best friend here! She is such a unique girl, with a big heart and we always have a good time together and laugh a lot! I love her very much, and don’t know what I will do without her when I go back! And then there of course is other friends I have there, but I won’t take up all that space just to talk about them, so you have to be without!

I moved hostfamilies, the reason isn’t something I will tell about here, I will just say I love the Wientes’s very much and loved staying there! But I moved to my new American family, the Norders: Jessie, Mike, Josh, Kreg, Ashton, Rina, Nicole, Brent, and Amanda! (Only 2 of the kids, Josh and Kreg lives at home)
This is the best Host Family EVER, and I see them as my own family! I love staying here and I have a great, great time!

But enough about that! In 2011 I also experienced my first homecoming, my first American Christmas, my first thanksgiving, my first Halloween and tonight I will have my first American New Years! So this year there has defiantly been a lot of first time experiences for me, so of them better than other but I have enjoyed every moment of it! I am so thankful to you, for making my 2011 an incredible year I will never forget, THANK YOU!

I know 2012 will be a great year, maybe even better than 2011! But 2012 is also the year the chapter “My Amazing American Adventure” will end and a new chapter called “Gymnasium 2012-2015” will start!
Overall, I am one happy girl, and I couldn’t ask for more!
Good-Bye 2011, and Hello 2012!!